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BASE Jumping – Amazing, don’t you think?

submit to reddit It is an activity that employs a parachute or the sequenced use of a wing suit and parachute to jump from fixed objects. “BASE” is an acronym that stands for the four categories of objects from which one can jump: Building, Antenna, Span, and Earth. The most famous BASE jumping bridge is the New River Gorge Bridge, WV. Earth refers to large natural formations – cliffs, canyons, fjords and gorges. The mountains of Romsdalen, Berserker and Eikesdalen, Norway are some of the best places in the world for base jumping. Base Jumping is in the Guinness Record book and is currently held by Glenn Singleman and Heather Swan with a jump from Meru Peak in northern India at a starting elevation of 6,604 m.

berserker norwaybase-jump-in-Norwayjumping norway