Sedona is also famous with its red rocks and towering crimson sandstones like Bell Rock, Courthouse Butte, Coffee Pot Rock and the Cockscombe. But the good food can be found very difficult in Sedona, that’s why the upscale El Portal inn is a godsend.

On Friday and Saturday evenings, the inn opens its doors to nonguests, who can dine on creative Arizona-accented cuisine under a courtyard bower or by a flickering fireplace made of large river rocks, depending on the season. Reservations are highly recommended.

A prickly pear margarita — made from a local cactus — is the must-drink cocktail in Sedona, and one of the best spots to try it is the terrace at Tii Gavo at Enchantment Resort.

If you prefer to staynear the nature, pack your own picnic and set out on the 3.6-mile Broken Arrow Trail Hike along red rocks stained with desert varnish, weave through cypress forests and climb up a doughlike outcropping for commanding views of Casner Canyon.